Possibilities of Teaching in Geography Lessons Using Innovative Techniques


  • A. Isayev Andijan State University Faculty of Natural Sciences, Geography
  • A. Arabbayev Andijan State University Faculty of Natural Sciences, Geography


method, innovative method, communication, training, alternative capacity choice (MIT) strategy, why?, video recording method.


It is known that the process of teaching is a pedagogical and educational cognitive activity of students (pupils) of the teacher, aimed at achieving didactic goals. The question of innovation comes from the English language, meaning “introduced innovation”, “invented”. In this article we will talk about the topic of territorial organization of the economy of Uzbekistan in the 8th grade geography textbook using innovative methods. In the preparation of this article, not only our own literature, but also foreign literature and scientific articles have been widely used.


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How to Cite

Isayev, A., & Arabbayev, A. (2022). Possibilities of Teaching in Geography Lessons Using Innovative Techniques. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 8, 143–150. Retrieved from https://emjms.academicjournal.io/index.php/emjms/article/view/717


