Community Empowerment Training Program for Employment in the Maritime World


  • Moh. Annas Sattar Sirajuddin Student Master of Education Students in Study Programs Education Management, Manado State University
  • Fientje JA Oentoe Postgraduate Program of Education Management, Manado State University
  • Roos Marie Stella Tuerah Postgraduate Program of Education Management, Manado State University
  • Shelty Deity Meity Sumual Postgraduate Program of Education Management, Manado State University
  • Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty Postgraduate Program of Education Management, Manado State University


Community Empowerment Training, Program, Maritime


The goal of this research is to learn more about how the community empowerment training program (ETP) is implemented at the North Sulawesi Polytechnic. To describe data, facts, and conditions, this study employs qualitative research methodologies and a case study approach. Observation, interviews, and documentation were utilized to obtain data. In addition, the data analysis technique employs data analysis techniques based on the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drafting. According to the findings of this study, the method for executing the ETP program at the North Sulawesi Polytechnic is one of President Joko Widodo's policies in the development of community-centered marine human resources, particularly in North Sulawesi. Meanwhile, the variables that influence the policy of adopting ETP include the need to raise the community's capability in conditions where it is less capable economically and in terms of human resources. Meanwhile, it can encourage the community to acquire and expand their knowledge in both theory and practice as part of the process of strengthening maritime human resources in general. In addition, the intended impact of this ETP Program policy is the ETP program that is supplied to the community, namely Basic Safety Training (BST), Security Awareness Training (SAT), Advance Fire Fighting (AFF), and BST-KLM (Motorcycle). Sailing Boats). Each of these trainings aims to equip and sharpen competences, abilities, gain insight, and learn how to operate safely, so that they can then give value to the community when they enter the work force.


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How to Cite

Sirajuddin, M. A. S. ., Oentoe, F. J. ., Tuerah, R. M. S. ., Sumual, S. D. M. ., & Rotty, V. N. J. . (2022). Community Empowerment Training Program for Employment in the Maritime World . European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 5, 115–124. Retrieved from


