The Role of "Tarikhi Tabari" In the Formation of Works on Islamic History


  • Agzamova Muhabbatxon Mirtoxirovna International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, teacher of ICESCO chair for Islamic Studies and the Study of Islamic Civilization


Islamic history, muarrikh, narration, faqih, source, knowledge, mufassal, siyar, prophet, author, classification, muhaddith, scholar, hadith, ahkam, tafsir, manuscript


A book “Tarikh ar-rusul val-muluk” byAbu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabariconsists of written and oral sources. This work is unique with a wealth of historical information. The sources and many legends about historical events given in this book helpsto determine the history of the origin of this or that event and how close it is to the truth.


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How to Cite

Mirtoxirovna, A. M. . (2022). The Role of "Tarikhi Tabari" In the Formation of Works on Islamic History. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 4, 509–512. Retrieved from


