The Symbolism of Silence in Celebrating the Eucharist
Silence, Eucharistic Liturgy, Understanding, AtmosphereAbstract
This research explores individuals' understanding of silence in the Eucharistic Liturgy and its influence on the atmosphere. Findings reveal diverse perspectives on door sounds, chants, applauding, cell phones, and crying children affecting silence. No uniformity exists in understanding these factors. Two questions address photography and lively singing, with respondents correctly understanding their impact on silence. Regarding freedom, whispering, clothing, and observation disrupt silence, while opinions vary on children's behavior and eating. Silence is seen as a conversation with God, reflecting devotion and personal anxiety. Most respondents listen to and talk to God in silence. They correctly identify when silence is permissible but mistakenly believe it is restricted to specific locations or moments. This research provides insights into individuals' understanding of silence in the Eucharistic Liturgy, highlighting variations in interpretations and perceptions. It contributes to a broader understanding of the rules and context of silence.
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