A Comprehensive Review of the Fishes of the Aral Sea: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives


  • Gulistan Dawekeeva biology teacher at Nukus Olympic and Paralympic Sports Training Center
  • Jamila Jiyenbaeva 3rd year student of the Faculty of Biology, KSU


diversity, types of fish, sea, Aral, Amu Darya, Syr Darya, ecology


The Aral Sea, once the world's fourth-largest inland body of water, has experienced significant ecological changes over the past few decades. The decline in water levels due to water diversion for agricultural purposes has resulted in dramatic alterations to the sea's ecosystem, profoundly impacting its fish fauna. This scientific article provides a comprehensive review of the fishes of the Aral Sea, focusing on their historical presence, current status, and potential future scenarios. The aim is to shed light on the consequences of ecological degradation and highlight the importance of conservation efforts for the revival of this unique aquatic ecosystem.


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How to Cite

Gulistan Dawekeeva, & Jamila Jiyenbaeva. (2023). A Comprehensive Review of the Fishes of the Aral Sea: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 18, 82–84. Retrieved from https://emjms.academicjournal.io/index.php/emjms/article/view/971


