Linguistic Analysis of Uzbek Virtual Communication
virtual speech communication, communicative process, communicative space, forum, global and regional network, audiovisual communication, Internet, chatAbstract
The article takes into account the fact that communication between people occurs verbally and non-verbally, and virtual communication takes the form of direct (PC, chat) and indirect (email, forum, teleconference). The virtual conversation consists in the following: mass communication; communication direction: from long to long; synchronous connection; average recipient notification rate; such features as the absence of strict requirements for the form and content of the message. Factors shaping the process of communication in virtual space, the analysis of Internet communication, the virtuality of computer communication, mediation, the computer form of speech, the integration of all kinds of sentences, specific computer ethics, the creativity of computer texts. The article emphasizes the need to study on the basis of a communicative-pragmatic approach to virtual communication.
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