The Significance of Preparing Future Teachers to Organize Cooperative Pedagogical Activities


  • Allanazarova Sholpan Artikbaevna Associate professor of Karakalpak State University


Pedagogical cooperation, person-centered education, future teacher, continuous learning process


In this article one of the important features of the person-oriented educational process is to organize a communication space between the teacher and the student, to involve them in cooperative activities. In the organization of higher pedagogical education based on modern requirements, the preparation of the future teacher for cooperative pedagogical activity occupies a special place. The organization of cooperative activities in the process of continuous education serves to ensure the quality and efficiency of education. As a result, a developmental learning environment is created for both the teacher and the student. The development of teacher-student relationships is envisaged within the framework of personalized educational technologies.


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How to Cite

Artikbaevna, A. S. . (2023). The Significance of Preparing Future Teachers to Organize Cooperative Pedagogical Activities. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 16, 94–97. Retrieved from


