Description of the Microbial Landscape of Causative Agents of Acute Osteomyelitis Observed in Children
pus, pathogens, strain, monoculture, association of microorganisms, identification, osteomyelitisAbstract
The purpose of the study was to determine the dependence of microbiological aspects of the formation of acute osteomyelitis from childhood and compare the results.
Materials and methods: methods for the analysis of biological materials (blood and pus) taken from 68 children diagnosed with acute osteomyelitis using bacteriological, bacterioscopic and statistical research methods.
Obtained results: The features of microbiological aspects and the results of the influence of microbial pathogens in children with acute osteomyelitis in the dynamics of the pathological process in accordance with the age state of children are presented.
Conclusion: Based on the study and analysis of the main microorganisms from biological materials taken from children with acute osteomyelitis, the importance of the role of macro and microorganisms in the formation of acute osteomyelitis in children, comparative analyzes of etiological agents, indicators of change, as well as the results are presented.
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