Children's Literature in the Twenty-First Century and Beyond


  • Nilufar Nematillaevna Zubaydova Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages The chair of The Theory English language and literature


young adult, female readers, young adult novels, younger target audience


We felt it was vital to acquire a sense of the present and future of the canon of works that have grabbed young hearts and inspired young brains in order to expand on a previous piece we'd written about the history of children's literature. While children's literature is obviously aimed at children, it is far from simple child's play; rather than a monolithic, formulaic, codified genre, it is a supple, ever-mutable collection of kaleidoscopic narratives that must simultaneously delight and educate their readers while seeking innovation and reliability.


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How to Cite

Zubaydova, N. N. . (2023). Children’s Literature in the Twenty-First Century and Beyond. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 14, 7–10. Retrieved from


