Professional Competence of Teachers Pedagogical Conditions of Formation


  • Sh. O. Mamayoqubova Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Department of Theory of English Language and Literature


modernization, communicativeness, professional competence, communication, competence, communicationintellectual potential


One of the main problems is the formation of a person who can meet the requirements of the reforms implemented in the current developing society, who can withstand the competition arising in the production lines, who can get into unexpected situations, and who can effectively work at the level of the requirements for the qualifications of specialists in the labor market. . In the following article, the issues that arise in the training of teachers and the development of professional competence in them are presented through separate examples.


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How to Cite

Mamayoqubova, S. O. . (2023). Professional Competence of Teachers Pedagogical Conditions of Formation. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 14, 5–6. Retrieved from


