Problems of Modern Museumification of Intangible Cultural Heritage Objects


  • Khamidova Dilfuza Ulugbek kizi Teacher of the National institute of Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Bekhzod


Uzbekistan, UNESCO, representative list, intangible cultural heritage, law, declaration, factor


This article discusses the issues of modern museification of objects of intangible cultural heritage of Uzbekistan and the problems of their preservation for the future generation. Regulatory legal acts on the protection of intangible cultural heritage were also studied and issues of their promotion with the help of museums were considered. The causes of these problems have also been investigated.


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How to Cite

kizi, K. D. U. . (2022). Problems of Modern Museumification of Intangible Cultural Heritage Objects. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 13, 33–36. Retrieved from


