Evaluation of Pollution Concentrations with Radioactive Elements in Some Industrial Areas


  • Ahmed Hameed Fayyadh Al Khalidiyah, 20st, H.15, Al Anbar, Iraq
  • Anmar Dherar Kosaj College of Education for Pure Sciences, University Of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq


pollution, radionuclides, industrial areas


Pollution is a well-pronounced side effect of modern life techniques in every field, including the industrial one, so for estimating the size of pollution in the industrial areas sixteen samples were collected from five industrial sites, where samples were collected from within the work areas in the industrial areas. After collecting the samples, they were prepared for examination, where a high-purity germanium detector (HPGe) was used to detect radioactive elements. 226) and lead (Pb-214) of the uranium (U-238) series, and dour of actinium (Ac-228) and lead (Pb-212) of the thorium (Th-246) series and potassium (K-40). It was found that there are differences in the specific effectiveness between each of the industrial regions, after which the radium equivalent effectiveness, the internal and external hazard coefficient, and the internal and external equivalent annual dose were calculated and compared with the global limits.


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How to Cite

Fayyadh, A. H., & Kosaj, A. D. (2022). Evaluation of Pollution Concentrations with Radioactive Elements in Some Industrial Areas. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 13, 21–29. Retrieved from https://emjms.academicjournal.io/index.php/emjms/article/view/843


