Development of Sport in the Conditions of New Uzbekistan


  • Yarashev Komiljan Dexkanovich Uzbek State University of physical culture and sports
  • Rashidov Azizbek Ulugbekovich Uzbek State University of physical culture and sports


Methods of training future specialists, management, physical culture and sports


It seems very important to perceive sports as a social institution, i.e. an organized association of people with certain socially significant functions, the implementation of which is aimed at achieving socially significant goals that correspond to social values, norms, patterns of behavior. In this regard, the opinion according to which it is proposed to maximize profits in sports should be considered unlawful.


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How to Cite

Dexkanovich, Y. K. ., & Ulugbekovich, R. A. . (2022). Development of Sport in the Conditions of New Uzbekistan. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 11, 72–75. Retrieved from


