Freedom of Religion And Belief in The Human Rights Framework


  • Farikh Marzuqi Ammar Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
  • Khizanatul Hikmah Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo


Freedom of Religion, Belief, Human Rights


In the context of state life, freedom of religion and belief is an important and fundamental aspect of human rights that is protected by the law of the State. So freedom here has the meaning of freedom to embrace and run the religion based on their beliefs and follow the rules and religious law that is believed. This is affirmed in the 1999 human rights law article 22 on the right to personal freedom : "Everyone is free to embrace his or her own religion and to worship according to his religion and belief"


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How to Cite

Ammar, F. M., & Hikmah, K. (2021). Freedom of Religion And Belief in The Human Rights Framework. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 1, 23–27. Retrieved from


