3.5 - The Reaction of Dinitro Benzoic Acid Buttery Salt with Chloroacetic Acid Esters and Amide
3, 5-dinitrobenzoic, acid sodium salt, Chloroacetic acid phthalimidoethyl ether, Chloroacetic acid ethyl ether, Chloroacetic acid, DMF, amidoalkylation, complex esterAbstract
Reactions of 3, 5-Dinitrobenzoic acid sodium salt with chloroacetic acid phthalimido ethyl, ethyl ether and amide were carried out in DMF solvent. It was found that 3, 5-Dinitro benzoic acid went by nucleophilic exacid sodium saltchange reactions with sodium salt. IK and Chromomass spectrum results of the obtained substances were obtained and the results were analyzed.
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