Effective Reading Strategies for Increasing the Reading Comprehension Level of Third-Grade Students with Learning Disabilities


  • Djuraeva Nilufar Bakhtiyarovna Senior Teacher, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry


reading comprehension, effective strategies, text, reading problems, skills, assessments


This article study is to identify the reading problems that prevent third graders with learning disabilities from comprehending the text well and discover the effective reading comprehension strategies that experienced special education teachers utilize in resource room settings to improve their students’ comprehension levels. To understand the essence of the present research, a review of relevant literature is discussed in the following sections: reading comprehension skill and models, reading problems that prevent students with learning disabilities of comprehending what they are reading and classroom-based reading comprehension assessments that teachers use to assess students’ reading comprehension and the effectiveness of these strategies.


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Djuraeva Nilufar Bakhtiyarovna, Bakirova Hilola Botiraliyevna, Usmanova Lobar Abduvasilovna, Saidvalieva Dilafruz Ravshanovna Malaziya Journal of Hunan University(Natural Sciences)scopus "THE ROLE OF TERMS OF SPECIALTY IN PROFESSIONALLY ORIENTED EDUCATION" "Vol. 48. No. 11.November 2021"

"Ikromkhonova Firuza Ikromovna,Yusupova Sanobar Tursunbayevna, Nishonova Dilfuza Homidovna, Kodirova Gavkhar Alisher qizi, Djuraeva Nilufar Bakhtiyarovna "USA Psychology and education scopusThe issue of historical works in american literature (2021) 58(1):




How to Cite

Bakhtiyarovna, D. N. (2022). Effective Reading Strategies for Increasing the Reading Comprehension Level of Third-Grade Students with Learning Disabilities. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 10, 42–46. Retrieved from https://emjms.academicjournal.io/index.php/emjms/article/view/773


