Analysis of Dusty Air Cleaning Technology and Equipment Available in the Cotton Processing Process
Cotton, down, seeds, cyclone, dust, dirt, product, raw material, separator, mineral, organic, moisture, conicalAbstract
One of the biggest problems in cotton processing plants is the loss of dusty air and the lack of harm to the environment. In addition, reducing fiber, lint, fibrous waste, and similar products that are emitted into dusty air is one of the company’s most important challenges. This article analyzes the convenience, cleaning efficiency, advantages and disadvantages of dusty air purification technology and equipment available in the cotton processing process. The principle of operation of foreign technologies is also considered. In order to reduce dusty air in the plant, the release of raw materials by adding dust to cyclones, energy consumption and so on, three dust trap device schemes have been developed and high efficiency has been achieved.
Cotton: World Statistics.;
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