Correlation between Biochemical Monitoring and Measurement of the Wave Velocity of Blood Flow in the Umbilical Corde of the Human Fetus on the Background of Intrauterine Infection


  • Khatamova Matluba Tilavona Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2 Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino,Uzbekistan, Bukhara


intrauterine infection, pathophysiological changes


Despite the clinical significance of the problem of IUI during pregnancy, there is still no algorithm that allows for an integrated approach to diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Timely diagnosis and reasonable use of antimicrobial drugs can become a promising direction in the complex of therapeutic measures for the prevention of pregnancy complications and adverse perinatal outcomes in IUI, the correlation between biochemical monitoring and measurement of wave velocity of blood flow in the umbilical cord of a human fetus against the background of intrauterine infection.


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How to Cite

Tilavona, K. M. . (2022). Correlation between Biochemical Monitoring and Measurement of the Wave Velocity of Blood Flow in the Umbilical Corde of the Human Fetus on the Background of Intrauterine Infection. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 9, 31–34. Retrieved from


