Comparative Analysis of Mythology of Arab and Turkic Peoples


  • Shorustam Shomusarov Professor of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


myth, conscious art, unconscious art, cosmogonical beliefs, mytholohaema, “The wolf legend”


The article for the first time, analyzes the mythology of the Arab peoples in world folklore. It gives reasons for the emergence of common mythological representations through consideration of the ancient peoples’ lifestyle of the patterns of artistic understanding of nature, reveals the initial form of the plot. The work is divided into types of research of myths of the Turkic peoples of Central Asia according to the thematic direction and purpose of the work.

Speaking about the ancient roots and the epic development of myth in the folklore of Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz and Turkmen, the author considers it as an integral part of the common Turkic mythology. In the scientific work, three mythological groups are analyzed - Turkic myths that arose in that era.


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How to Cite

Shomusarov, S. . (2022). Comparative Analysis of Mythology of Arab and Turkic Peoples. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 7, 544–555. Retrieved from


