Implementation of Policies in Supervision of Public Transport Route Permits at the Manado City Transportation Service
Policy Implementation, Permit Supervision, Manado cityAbstract
Public policy includes government decisions in almost every aspect of human life. This is manifested in every decision making in conflict resolution, providing assistance, community welfare, finance, levies, law, and so on. Policies exist so that the service tasks provided are more directed and have clear rules and objectives. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach. The research was carried out at the Manado City Transportation Office in 2022. Qualitative research was conducted under natural conditions, (as opposed to an experiment), directly to the data source and the researcher was the key instrument. Qualitative research is more descriptive in nature, emphasizing the process rather than the product or outcome. Conduct inductive data analysis and emphasize meaning (the data behind the observed). The results showed that direct supervision. Direct supervision is carried out by the Manado City Transportation Service, which is carried out in collaboration with the police in conducting raids on the highway. The vehicles caught in the raid were given a ticket and then followed up in court to decide on sanctions in accordance with the violations committed. Indirect supervision. Indirect supervision by the Manado City Transportation Service is carried out by collecting data on public transportation operating in Manado City. In addition, the Department of Transportation conducts evaluations and reports which are carried out every month as a form of accountability for the tasks carried out. The results showed that direct supervision. Direct supervision is carried out by the Manado City Transportation Service, which is carried out in collaboration with the police in conducting raids on the highway. The vehicles caught in the raid were given a ticket and then followed up in court to decide on sanctions in accordance with the violations committed. Indirect supervision. Indirect supervision by the Manado City Transportation Service is carried out by collecting data on public transportation operating in Manado City.
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