Active Onomastic Units and Their Semantic Analysis Used in the Textbook of Primary 2nd Grade


  • Saipova Hilola Abdulhamidovna Teacher of Fergana State University
  • Ahunova Monisa Umidbek kizi Student of Fergana State University


Onomastics, anthroponym, hydronym, zoonim, toponym, miphonim, astronym, onoma


In this article, we can analyze the theoretical understanding of onomastics using a new approach to the study of onomastics, in particular, using a school textbook. The article is recommended for use by elementary school students.


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How to Cite

Abdulhamidovna, S. H. ., & Umidbek kizi, A. M. (2022). Active Onomastic Units and Their Semantic Analysis Used in the Textbook of Primary 2nd Grade. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 7, 443–448. Retrieved from


