Management System Improvement Trends
management, administration, economy, market model, marketing, corporate governance, corporate governancedevelopmentAbstract
After the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the methods of doing business and managing enterprises began to change. Issues such as the economic aspects of the introduction of corporate governance standards, the formation of an effective management system of joint stock companies (JSC), the principles of governance, the factors influencing its formation began to be addressed. After gaining independence, the Republic of Uzbekistan has identified the creation of a legal and organizational framework for the formation of a multi-sectoral economy and a competitive environment that can ensure high rates of economic growth and sustainable development of society. The experience of transition economies confirms that an important tool for the transition from an administrative-planned economy to a market model of management is privatization and shareholding, which contributes to the formation of a real class of owners and effective corporate governance of privatized property. Financial management plays a special role in the implementation.
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