Problems in Optimizing the Diagnosis of Cerebral Circulatory and Cognitive Dysfunction


  • Tulayev Mirzohid Jalolovich Department of Neurology, Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino


mycocirculatory system, cerebrovascular disease, hronic obstructive pulmonary disease, clinical practice, cognitive impairment


In recent years, comorbidity has been considered one of the most important problems in therapeutic practice. Its comprehensive study is carried out using epidemiological, genetic, immunological, clinical-functional and other methods to clarify the general biological patterns of a "non-random" combination of a number of diseases – syntropy.


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How to Cite

Jalolovich, T. M. . (2022). Problems in Optimizing the Diagnosis of Cerebral Circulatory and Cognitive Dysfunction. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 7, 385–390. Retrieved from


