Phraseological Units With an Animalistic Component In English Language


  • Pardayeva Mahliyo G’ayrat kizi Master’s Degree in English Philology, Karshi State University (Karshi, Uzbekistan)


animalistic component, zoonym, phraseology, nominations of human, lingua-culturology, comparative analysis, linguistic view of the world, idiom, phraseological fusions


This article discusses the Phraseological units with an animalistic component usage in English and Uzbek language respectively. The relevance of this study is working with comparative and linguacultural analysis of the phraseological units with an animal name in native and English language differences and similarities. While carrying out the research it can be obvious that using an animalistic component idioms, collocations, proverbs and sayings can enrich the language, showing its versatility and make the speech more beautiful. It is vivid understanding that native speakers of English languages can use such kind of phraseological units without any difficulties while learners of English as a second language extremely rarely use them in their speech. However, ESL learners misuse in their speech with some problems can lead to failures in intercultural communication. In order to avoid using phraseological units with wrong understandings, without paying attention to religious or cultural points to direct them to different nations and to cause using unsuitable language units with animalistic component in speech, it is necessary to conduct more detailed study in this layer.


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How to Cite

Pardayeva Mahliyo G’ayrat kizi. (2022). Phraseological Units With an Animalistic Component In English Language. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 7, 303–305. Retrieved from


