Innovative-Pedagogical Basis of Development of the Process of Spiritual Education


  • Khonbabaev Shoxruxbek Dilshodjon oglu Basic doctoral student of Kokand State Pedagogical Institute


education, spirituality, spiritual education, spiritual education technologies, cultural development, spiritual-enlightenment reforms


The article reveals the scientific significance of educational technologies, which should be formed on the basis of the concept of continuous spiritual education. It has been studied that continuous spiritual education technologies are a key task in shaping the potential of young people. Continuous spiritual education technologies, which are important for the development of society and the state, are scientifically based.


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How to Cite

oglu, K. S. D. . (2022). Innovative-Pedagogical Basis of Development of the Process of Spiritual Education. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 7, 230–233. Retrieved from


