To the quest to the question of the kinetics of hydration structure formation and the properties of lime-belite binders based on marls in the karakalpakstan deposit
hydration, structure formation, lime, additive, solution, binder, marlAbstract
The purpose of this study was to study the kinetics of hydration structures and the physicochemical properties of lime-belite binders based on marls deposit of the Kungrad and Muynak regions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The experimental results show that the processes of hydration of clinker and other minerals included in the binder materials, as well as hydration structure formation (HS) in these systems are interconnected. The latter are usually a consequence of the former, so their joint consideration is of scientific and practical interest from the point of view of their role in controlling the properties of binder systems. At the same time, it was found that the formation of strength is associated not only with the formation of different structures in the system - coagulation and crystallization structures. The possibility of using (LBB) for the preparation of high-strength products of autoclave hardening is shown.
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