The development and problem of the art of linocut in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan, linocut, graphics, composition, globe, printAbstract
This article highlights the art of "linocuts", its role in the visual arts, its importance in the aesthetic impact on people's consciousness, showing various social realities in society. The art of linocut was first developed in Europe, and later moved to Russia, where it developed and expanded. The history of the appearance of linocut art in Uzbekistan in the 1960 -90s, which was actively engaged in this kind of art, is considered. Examples of creative works by artists are presented.
National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. Ihdd n.
N.T. Husanov. Work on the item / Methodical manual. - Tashkent, 2022.
Artist and book Ghafur Ghulam Publishing House 1987
Linogravyura - sposob ispolzovaniya linoleuma dlya sozdaniya otpechatkov.
Issledovatelskaya rabota na temu Linogravyura
Uzbek art in the 60s and 80s of the XX century (1964-85) https: // elib. abstracts-independent-work-course-work / item / 13500-60-80-1964-85