On the Question of Krachkovsky's Translations of Arabic Geographers and Travelers


  • Zainabiddinova Zebiniso Madaminovna Teacher of the Department of World History of Fergana State University


geographers, travelers, primary source, Arabic literature, Arabs, Krachkovsky, translations


The article highlights and describes the characteristic features of Academician I.Y. Krachkovsky's research on translations of Arabic geographical science. Special attention is paid to the process of formation of the classical school of Arab geographers. The article summarizes some results of the study of the formation of the Russian school of Arabic studies.


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How to Cite

Madaminovna, Z. Z. . (2022). On the Question of Krachkovsky’s Translations of Arabic Geographers and Travelers. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 7, 59–62. Retrieved from https://emjms.academicjournal.io/index.php/emjms/article/view/536


