The Effects of Quality Management Practices on Organizational Performance in Malaysian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Quality Management Practices, Organizational Performance, Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect that Quality Management Practices had on an organization's performance. performance in the domain of SMEs in Malaysia with a particular emphasis on SMEs the study's aims include the following: compiled a bibliography of available theoretical and empirical literature on Quality Management Practices, as well as the performance of the organization. Quality Management Practices are crucial for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) given the level of competition in the environment in which they operate both locally and internationally. Thus, it is vital for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to recognize Quality Management Practices as a critical strategic business tool for establishing a sustainable competitive edge and organizational performance, even in the face of a challenging economic environment. To accomplish this, the study used positivism. Generalize the findings to SMEs firms. A The study used a quantitative research design because it supplied quantitative data. analysis of the primary data collected using statistical techniques. Questionnaires with an open-ended format were distributed. Since its inception, this system has been utilized to collect pertinent primary data from employees and management. They made it possible to acquire a large volume of primary data in a short period of time. period. The survey elicited responses from 260 respondents representing all SMEs firms. There were 235 respondents that completed the questionnaire successfully. Corresponding to a 90.39 percent response rate. Data were compiled, coded, and analyzed. SPSS version. The demographic characteristics of the respondents were analyzed using a statistical package. and to generate findings in terms of frequencies and percentages. correlation coefficient Pearson, linear correlation coefficient to examine the association between the variables, regression and one-way were performed. factors in the study the study established the vital importance of Quality Management Practices in Increasing an organization's performance. Additionally, the study revealed that logistics has a significant role in Sourcing has impacted both the production and sharing of knowledge among suppliers and expanding the market potential of the businesses. The analysis established that the Quality Management Practices operates in an efficient manner.
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