Pragmatic Descriptions of Verbal Communication


  • Berdiyorova Rakhima Karimovna Lecturer at Karshi State University


communication, pragmatic content of the text, mythological phrase


Understanding of each other by the participants of communication, their communicative and linguistic competence, knowledge of the external conditions of speech communication are the basis for achieving a pragmatic effect.

A certain communicative situation, a certain pragmatic function of the text predetermines the nature of the language formation of the text. Phraseological units, whose pragmatic function is usually manifested, allow both the realization of their original pragmatic capabilities and the acquisition of new ones to have a more active influence on the addressee.

Phraseological units can enter into a certain relationship with the text and be one of the main means of determining the pragmatic effect on the recipient, dominating the realization of the pragmatic purpose of the text by performing the usual, i.e. linguistic-pragmatic connotation reinforced in the language system.

Phraseological units under the influence of an emotional context, which perform not only the speaker's thoughts but also the mental experiences that go into the task and purpose of the message, can come in as system-defined, usually recorded semaphores, often as intensifiers aimed at affecting the addressee, as well as occasional semaphores


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How to Cite

Karimovna, B. R. (2022). Pragmatic Descriptions of Verbal Communication. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 6, 590–593. Retrieved from


