The Factor of National Values in Increasing the Activity of Young People


  • Mukimov Bahriddin Asrorovich Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers National Research University (Republic of Uzbekistan)


globalization, society, social, economic, cultural and spiritual intensification, integration, spirituality, personality, family, education, upbringing, law, citizenship, societymorality, value, national value, harmonious personality, rule of law


This article analyzes the impact of globalization on the erosion of national spirituality, the erasure of customs, traditions and values. It is also based on the fact that one of the urgent tasks today is the fight against globalization, especially its influence on changing national customs, traditions, values and mores, the formation of a factor that can serve as a shield and apply it. our society. The author proves that the main and educational factor in overcoming the influence of globalization on the erosion of national identity is the formation of national-spiritual immunity.


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How to Cite

Asrorovich, M. B. (2022). The Factor of National Values in Increasing the Activity of Young People. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 6, 580–585. Retrieved from


