Combination Aggregate that is using in the Garden


  • Mamarasulova Maniraxon Tursunboyevna Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology (PhD) Uzbekistan Andizhan
  • Anvarov Abdulaziz Farhodjon ogli Student of Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology
  • Qurbonova Nafisa Karimjon qizi Student of Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology


Garden, products, technology, method, land, fruit


The article presents the design of a combined unit for processing between rows in a garden from one pass.

Now a day in our republic as all over the world villige economy modern technology and ideal knowledges, science, which is now it, is developing methods and financial measures are being taken. Especially, The area of intensive gardens is expending because we see the result of hurticulture. Intensive horticulture development especially intensive technologies, technical at ways and use intensive  fruit trees and just like that, organization of production, requires improvement of both the system and methods of collection and sale of products.


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How to Cite

Tursunboyevna , M. M. ., ogli, A. A. F. ., & qizi , Q. N. K. . (2022). Combination Aggregate that is using in the Garden. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 6, 573–575. Retrieved from


