Effect of Recirculation of the Hydrocarbon Flow on the Thickness of the Viscous Sub layer and the Efficiency of Heat Transfer
oil and gas condensate mixture, viscous sub layer, flow rate, Reynolds criterion, Darcy coefficient, flow recirculation, heat exchange, scaleAbstract
The results of computational and experimental studies of heating of an oil and gas condensate mixture with recirculation of a part of the flow in an experimental tubular apparatus are presented. At the same time, the share of recirculation of the flow is from 10 to 30% of the total volume of the mixture. It was found that when recirculating 25 % of the volume of the oil and gas condensate mixture, the temperature of its exit from the apparatus increases by an average of 1.2 times, which leads to a decrease in its viscosity to 1.17 times and an increase in the flow rate in the tubes by 1.25 times. Due to the change in the mode of movement in the tubes, an intense pulsation of the flow rate occurs, which reduces the thickness of the viscous sub layer on the walls of heat transfer pipes by 1.33 times. An additional increase in the temperature of the heated mixture also leads to an increase in its heat capacity by 1.22 times, an increase in the value of the heat transfer coefficient in the apparatus by 1.14 times and an increase in the amount of heat transferred by 1.4 times. In addition, it was found that intensive movement of the mixture flow can lead to a three-fold decrease in the rate of scale formation in the tubes.
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