The Meaning of "Eternal Life" and the Liturgy About Death at ST. Antonius Padua Pangolombian Parish of ST. Yosep Sarongsong in Tomohon City - North Sulawesi


  • Marthinus Marcel Lintong STP Don Bosco Tomohon, North Sulawesi, Indonesia


life, eternal, ceremonial death, faith, salvation


One fill principal confidence faith Catholic (depositum fidei) formulated in the Apostolic Creed is trust against “life eternal”. Summary faith this lived by the Church Roman Catholic throughout era since Council Nicea-Constantinople (325 AD) to seconds this. Appreciation intended to be increasingly clearly When the Church Catholic put it in practice liturgy as form appreciation celebrated faith in worship.There is the relevance of the era of historical appreciation faith will “live eternal”and liturgy around ceremony death and burial. Inside summary prayers, song, Bible readings and homily at each ceremony around death contained appreciation people will “live eternal” as one fill formulated faith in Prayer I Believe. Problems to be diteliti is how much understand and like what people Catholics in Stasi Pangolombian St. Parish Yosep Sarongsong in Tomohon City to follow celebration liturgy around death. In research based qualitative-descriptive This, researcher want to digging depth knowledge and appreciation people against the meaning of “life remain” in liturgy around ceremony death.


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How to Cite

Lintong, M. M. . (2022). The Meaning of "Eternal Life" and the Liturgy About Death at ST. Antonius Padua Pangolombian Parish of ST. Yosep Sarongsong in Tomohon City - North Sulawesi. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 6, 298–310. Retrieved from


