Some of the Effectiveness of Interpersonal Communication


  • Ergashev Eminjon Alievich Senior Lecturer at the Department of Applied Psychology At the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute


interpersonal communication, competence-activity approach, efficiency, psychological essence, person


The article attempts to reveal the efficiency of interpersonal communication, the psychological essence of the concept of "emotional state" through a comparative analysis of the definitions of the phenomenon under study proposed by various psychologists, as well as through its relationship with the concepts of "emotion", "mental state". This article may be of interest to psychologists, teachers, leaders of organizations involved in situations of interpersonal communication by the nature of their activities.


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How to Cite

Alievich, E. E. . (2022). Some of the Effectiveness of Interpersonal Communication. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 5, 575–578. Retrieved from


