On the Basis of Modern Didactic Means (On the Example of Thermodynamics)


  • Komilova Nodira Abdurahmon qizi ToshDTU Almalik branches
  • Tursunova Fayoza Zaripovna 4th year student of QarMII


professional competence, learning technology, information media, didactic methods, didactic tools, educational technology


This article discusses the solution of the issues of a competent approach to the learning process in lectures, laboratory and practical classes. On the basis of a competent approach, recognition of the existing world is carried out, allows for a holistic understanding of the world, systemic the formation of modern knowledge, the development of interest in the educational process and increases creative thinking, as well as creates conditions for independent learning.


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How to Cite

qizi, K. N. A. ., & Zaripovna, T. F. . (2022). On the Basis of Modern Didactic Means (On the Example of Thermodynamics). European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 5, 398–401. Retrieved from https://emjms.academicjournal.io/index.php/emjms/article/view/286


