Inspectorate Supervision of the Covid-19 Pandemic Social Assistance Program in Manado City


  • Fiez Gerald Laurens Lambertus Besouw Postgraduate Program of Public Policy, Manado State University
  • Evi E. Masengi Postgraduate Program of Public Policy, Manado State University
  • Martinus Mandagi Postgraduate Program of Public Policy, Manado State University


supervision, inspectorate, social assistance, pandemic-covid 19


Supervision is the fourth managerial function after planning, organizing, and directing. As one of the management functions, a supervisory mechanism within an organization is absolutely necessary. The implementation of a plan or program without being accompanied by a good and continuous monitoring system will obviously result in slow or even non-achievement of the goals and objectives that have been determined.

This research will use a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words of people and observable behavior. According to the results of research and analysis conducted by researchers from the description of the previous chapter regarding the supervision of the inspectorate on the COVID-19 pandemic social assistance program in Manado City, the following conclusions were obtained: Manado is carried out through 3 steps, including: audit, survey, and review. During the supervision process, the Manado City Inspectorate follows technical instructions or supervisory procedures as the Inspectorate has the right to carry out accountability supervision of the COVID-19 pandemic social assistance by conducting audits to offices and sub-districts in Manado city receiving social assistance from the COVID-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite

Besouw, F. G. L. L. ., Masengi, E. E. ., & Mandagi, M. . (2022). Inspectorate Supervision of the Covid-19 Pandemic Social Assistance Program in Manado City. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 5, 292–302. Retrieved from


