HIV Encephalopathy and its Pathogenetic Aspects


  • Zokirov Muzaffar Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, Department of Internal Diseases №1


human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-Encephalopathy, pathogenetic aspect, neurotoxin effect, blood - brain barrier


Today, HIV infection remains one of the most global problems of the modern world. Every year, new mechanisms of the pathogenesis of the virus in the body, as well as its complications, are discovered. This article summarizes the pathogenetic aspects of HIV-encephalopathy, for a more complete understanding of all the mechanisms of this complication of HIV infection.


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How to Cite

Muzaffar, Z. . (2022). HIV Encephalopathy and its Pathogenetic Aspects. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 4, 843–846. Retrieved from


