A Systematic Approach to the Process of Sports Improvement of Preschool Children


  • Turakulova Durdona Boxodirovna Student of the faculty of preschool education Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
  • Ruzmetova Hilola Abdushoripovna Scientific supervisor-candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Tashkent state pedagogical university named after Nizami
  • Raxmonova Gulruh Ubaydullayevna Head of the department of youth affairs, spirituality and enlightenment of the National Institute of art and design named after Kamoliddin Behzod


sports, preschool children, system approach, methods, development of physical qualities, progression, growth and model of program-target management


This article discusses the formation of the methodological foundations of sports theory, which is inextricably linked with the creation of a systematic approach to the process of sports improvement, with the help of which the main patterns of this process and the leading factors of sports achievement are revealed. The relevance of the issue under consideration is confirmed by the research of many scientists.


Dissertation "Secrets of the championship " Asror Mumin, Yu-33167/0;

Dissertation "Substantiation of the effectiveness of the use of circular training in the physical education of older preschool children" Skerepov Evgeny Alexandrovich, Chelyabinsk 2002;

Dissertation "Scientific and pedagogical foundations of innovative developments in the system of physical education of pre-school children" Chernyshenko Yuri Konstantinovich, Krasnodar 1998;

Textbook "Methods of training highly qualified athletes in Karate WKF" Makaridin Dmitry Nikolaevich;

"Karate-do" Suzuki Tatsuo, New York p.;

"Physical preparation of young karate players for sports duels" Sergey Alexandrovich Duschenko, Tambov 2016.




How to Cite

Boxodirovna, T. D. ., Abdushoripovna, R. H. ., & Ubaydullayevna, R. G. . (2022). A Systematic Approach to the Process of Sports Improvement of Preschool Children. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 4, 615–617. Retrieved from https://emjms.academicjournal.io/index.php/emjms/article/view/147


