Current Status and Development Trends Slating in the Domestic and Foreign Textile Industry


  • Hikoyat Inoyatovna Amonova Associate Professor, Department of Medical Chemistry, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Sadikova Susana Shavkievna Senior Lecturer, Department of Medical Chemistry, Bukhara State Medical Institute


Efficiency, polymer composition, practical aspects, physical and mechanical properties, concentration


In the article, the influence of the concentration of dressing components on the physical, mechanical and operational properties of sized yarn is studied. The specificity of the influence of sericin on the physical and mechanical properties of sizing compositions and the main indicators of sizing has been established. The expediency of the development of scientific research and practical developments in the chosen direction is substantiated. The effectiveness of the sizing polymer composition was compared with the base composition, and the practical and economic aspects of the developed technology were determined.


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How to Cite

Amonova, H. I. ., & Shavkievna, S. S. . (2022). Current Status and Development Trends Slating in the Domestic and Foreign Textile Industry. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 4, 568–574. Retrieved from




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