Modern Technologies in Teaching English: Learning, Understanding, Speaking


  • Vokhidova Tamanno Lector Kokand University Department of World Languages


Internet resources, web technologies, communication technologies, Internet technologies, multimedia tools, students’ independent work, social networks


This article considers the relevance of modern Internet technologies in the teaching of English, as well as analyzes the importance and effectiveness of using web technologies in the study of English, both in pairs and in the independent work of students.

The author analyzes different points of view on the expediency of the use of information technology in the study of English and expresses a holistic position on this issue, supporting by visual examples of the positive effect during the use of modern technology. The author also offers an overview of Internet resources specifically designed for teaching English as a foreign language. The possibilities of using non-specialized web projects and social networks by teachers of English in the learning process.


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How to Cite

Tamanno, V. . (2022). Modern Technologies in Teaching English: Learning, Understanding, Speaking. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 4, 548–555. Retrieved from


