The History of the Family and Marriage of the Peoples of Central Asia


  • Tillakhodjaeva Khurshida Djumavaevna Tashkent State Technical University named after I. Karimov, Senior lecturer


patriarchal family, small family, ethnographic, nomads, lullaby wedding, kalym, levirate, monogamous family, mountainous Tajiks, Uzbek Karluks


The article discusses the form of family and marriage among the peoples of Central Asia, its historical aspects, and the impact of changes in the form of the family with the change of periods on family relations. It should be noted that, mainly from an ethnographic point of view, Russian researchers comment on the great patriarchy and small number of families in the second half of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century with the period of antiquity. In particular, they compare this phenomenon with the life of all the peoples of Central Asia.


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How to Cite

Djumavaevna, T. K. . (2022). The History of the Family and Marriage of the Peoples of Central Asia. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 4, 428–431. Retrieved from


