Improvement of Therapeutic Tactics for Purulent Surgical Diseases against the Background of Endemic Goiter


  • Sharopova Malohat Sayfullayevna Bukhara state medical institute
  • Safoyev Baqodir Barnoyevich Bukhara state medical institute


purulent surgical diseases of soft tissues, thyroid gland, diffuse toxic goiter, features of the clinical course, nodular goiter


In our Republic, according to studies conducted in 2020-2021, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Uzbekistan is 8.7% among people over the age of 35. Along with diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland now occupy a leading place in the structure of all endocrinopathies. First of all, this is explained by the breadth of prevalence of diffuse goiter in iodine-deficient regions, to which Uzbekistan also belongs. Complications of infection surgical diseases and diffuse toxic goiter is an important problem for the Republic of Uzbekistan, both from a medical and socio-economic point of view. . Likewise, it is well known that a higher latitude of surgery allows for better control of thyroid disease, but may be accompanied by a greater number of complications. All these prompts a number of authors to analyze the complications of surgical treatment in our patients according to well-known criteria, with the hypothesis that a higher radicality of surgery does not increase the incidence of complications.


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How to Cite

Sayfullayevna, S. M. ., & Barnoyevich, S. B. . (2022). Improvement of Therapeutic Tactics for Purulent Surgical Diseases against the Background of Endemic Goiter. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 4, 403–407. Retrieved from


