Distribution of Hydrophobic Composition in the Structure of Leather and Use of the Composition Possibilities Study
hydrophobized compositions, swelling of fibers, bakhtarma, water resistance, water permeability, fixation, vapor permeability, tensile strengthAbstract
In the context of intensified competition in the global shoe markets, the domestic footwear industry is faced with the task of developing and producing competitive leather waterproof shoes with improved consumer and performance properties. The desire to create comfortable, lightweight shoes that would bring pleasure from walking and improve the quality of life of people is the "philosophy" of the modern shoe industry, and genuine leather, which most fully meets the operational, hygienic and aesthetic requirements for shoes , will remain the main one for a long time. Material in its production. During wear, shoes are exposed to all kinds of atmospheric, mechanical and chemical influences, which worsens their operational and aesthetic properties. Maintaining the quality of the product during operation is another equally important task. The use of various shoe care products (water-repellent emulsions and creams) makes it possible to make the materials of the external parts of the shoe upper temporarily waterproof. The question of the effectiveness and principle of choosing "cosmetics for shoes" with a satisfactory price-quality ratio remains open to date.
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