How Ai Impacts Privacy


  • Abdusamadov Khojiakbar Hasan Ugli A third year student at Tashkent State University of law, 100047 Uzbekisatan, Tashkent, Sayilgoh st., 35


AI Algorithms, Decision-making, User Privacy, Personal Data, Data Processing, Equitable Treatment, Privacy by Design, Differential Privacy, Federated Learning


Our lives have been completely transformed by artificial intelligence (AI), which provides limitless capabilities and efficiency in a variety of fields. However, the advancement of technology has given rise to urgent worries about user privacy. This academic essay investigates the complex effects of AI on data processing and user privacy.

We examine how heavily AI systems rely on enormous volumes of data, generating issues with user consent, data ownership, and potential abuse. We examine the difficulties brought on by AI-driven decision-making, emphasizing potential biases and the demand for fair use of personal data.

Transparency and accountability in AI systems are critical in this era of data breaches. The "black box" problem, or the opaqueness of AI algorithms, makes it difficult for users to understand how data is used. We investigate privacy by design, differential privacy, and federated learning as safeguards for user data while enabling insightful discoveries.

The discussion of digital ethics and appropriate AI implementation is aided by this article. Understanding how AI affects privacy is essential to developing strong frameworks that protect people's rights while maximizing AI's potential for societal advancement.


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How to Cite

Ugli, A. K. H. . (2023). How Ai Impacts Privacy. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 20, 36–40. Retrieved from


